Todays epistle gives us instructions on how to live, clearly indicating that we live for others and not for ourselves, clearly forgetting self for love of Christ and all creation. And the Gospel indicates that the more knowledge and wisdom we have, the more shall we acquire.
In preparing for Christmas we must reflect on the enormity and significance of that feast, not merely as a time for family and celebration, but as a way of expressing our love for God by showing our love for His creation, our families and friends. Think not about the gifts that you want, but about the needs of others and how you can assist in meeting those needs. Can we not think of giving a spiritual gift, such as the regular reciting of prayers for a loved one, attending a Healing and Benediction service to pray for them, or even having a Mass said in a home with them for their spiritual needs.
And think too of the family that is this community, our parish, and what its needs are in practical ways and how we can help meet those needs.
In considering others like this, we forget self and selfishness and move closer to the path that our Lord wishes us to take. Let us truly put Christ back into our Christmas planning this Advent.