Welcome to ‘Elvis Photo Shoot Sessions’ (EPSS)
EPSS offers a large collection of ‘official’ Elvis photos that were taken in a studio setting to be used for all kinds of promotional and publicity purposes – most often on Elvis’ record sleeves, movie posters, any kind of magazines and fan merchandise. From 1955 up until 1969 there were many of these ‘sessions’ and thousands of photos snapped during them of Elvis, as well as some of his co-stars – we’ve tried to collect as much of them together as possible in order to give people a better idea of what was taken and when, and exactly how much. Photos of Elvis’ co-stars are included for this project as well, they are listed separately at the end of each folder.

From; PPS (1959)

From; ELVIS (1968)
The photos themselves come from all kinds of different sources – contact sheets, actual photos, magazines, posters, auction sites, various merchandise, cd/dvd/record sleeves, scans from all over the internet etc. – on many cases the quality is next to perfect, on other cases it is far from it as we have to work with what we can find. However, we want to give as comprehensive look on the subject as possible so we add every single photo despite of their possible faults, and at the same time we try to keep things organized and make the site as easy to browse as possible as it is for research/reference use for everyone interested in the subject.
It should be noted that this is an ongoing project that will possibly never be completely finished – at the moment we have 3000 photos up and chances are we’re not even halfway there. We are always on the lookout for not only new photos but also any new information regarding any and all photo shoots as it seems there is very little of it, which is possibly why this often seems to be a very overlooked part of Elvis’ career. If there’s anything You can, or would like to help with, correct, or just comment on, click on “credits” where you can find our contact information and we’re happy to help.
We hope you enjoy the site for what it is – a small glimpse into the fascinating world of Elvis Presley.
All copyright goes to people and companies actually responsible for and arranging the shoots.
EPSS is not in any way affiliated with Elvis Presley Enterprises (EPE).