achievements |
acting career |
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afterlife |
- Is John Smith Elvis?
About the subject of Elvis still being alive, and the possibility that he is now living under the name of John Smith.
- Presley, Elvis (1935-1977) -- His Death and Strange Afterlife
"sources ... recommended by a professor whose research specialty is Elvis"
- Elvis Presley: Dead Elvis / Elvis Deified / Elvis in Excelsis
(The Bomp Bookshelf)
"At first it was just amusing, the report of him still alive, or appearing in visions to the faithful. But with the passage of time and the appearance of more books on the subject--from scholars who study mythology as well as the usual pop hagiographers--it is becoming evident that this is, in fact, probably just how many religions are born. One charismatic figure changes many lives, leaves behind stories and legends, miracles are reported, and soon, a generation or so later--it starts to look pretty much like a lot of other "religions" that have appeared over the past century or two. In a thousand years, it may appear that Elvis, indeed, had more of the classic features of a great religious teachers than many whose teachings are already followed by millions. Of course, Elvis was a devout Christian... just as Christ was a devout Jew! This only confirms the tradition. So read on, open your eyes, and see the New Revelation taking form all around you.... "
- Elvis After Life: Unusual Psychic Experiences Surrounding the Death of a Superstar by Raymond A., Jr. Moody (book announcement)
"Claiming that the death of the 42-year-old Elvis Presley in 1977 profoundly affected millions of lives, Moody (Elvis After Life) explores the Elvis cult and reasons for fans' alleged premonitory dreams of his death and psychic experiences that followed it."
Alden, Ginger |
Always On My Mind (Song) |
America the Beautiful (Song)
anagrams |
anecdotes |
animals |
anniversary |
- Elvis Week
(Elvis Presley official site)
- Elvis Week 2005
(Elvis Information Network)
Diary and photos by Sanja Meegin.
- Death of Elvis Anniversary
(Sydney Morning Herald, August 17 2002)
The King's second life has reversed the ageing process: he has grown thin again, hip and cool. Surprisingly few people came to Elvis's defence when he took a heavy beating from the media duing the years after his death. But the depth and breadth of the reaction at the level of fandom suggests that Presley was, and is, a cultural singularity.
archetype |
archives |
astrology |
auctions |
- eBay Australia
person-to-person online trading community
- Bidware
Online auctions including Elvis-related items for sale.
audio |
aura |
- My Personal Story With Elvis
"Elvis had a brilliant aura, mostly shades of blue with some violet and deep purple. Very often a shimmering white light encircled these colors."
Interpretation according to online sources:
Blue inner light - spiritually searching. A lighter blue indicates the start of a spiritual quest. Darker blues typically indicate the subject has found their spiritual path and is continuing their education in the chosen realm.
Purple - heightened spiritual awareness, self-esteem, and high ideals.
Violet - the most sensitive and wisest of colors. This is the intuitive color in the aura, and reveals psychic power of attunement with self. Intuitive, visionary, futuristic, idealistic, artistic, magical.
White - Spiritual, etheric and non-physical qualities, transcendent, higher dimensions; purity and truth; angelic qualities. A white outer light can also indicate an area of the body which has been over-energized, or is over-active. According to another source, white in the aura can suggest serious disease or artificial stimulation (drugs). However, I am advised that in Elvis's case, the white light was a spiritual light, as it was not bleaching out the other colors, but complimenting them in a brilliant halo.
autopsy |